Health Insurance Marketplace in Alabama

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Alabama families may get confused when deciding which health insurance carrier and policy is right for their needs. It can be frustrating to navigate the health insurance marketplace in Alabama, but it doesn’t have to be.

HealthMarkets is ready to help you understand your options, costs, and other factors associated with choosing the right policy. We even help you enroll, and our service comes at no cost to you.

You don’t have to be one of the 11 percent of Alabamans under 65 who are uninsured. We can help. Join the over 151,000 Alabamans who signed up for Affordable Care Act plans in 2018. 

Health Insurance Marketplace—Alabama Options

HealthMarkets connects you with a licensed insurance agent who can help you navigate the health insurance marketplace in Alabama.

We’re familiar with the needs of Alabama’s almost 4.9 million residents and can help you determine which plan and carrier are right for you. For example, healthier folks may want to opt for a policy with a higher annual deductible but smaller monthly payment, while families with young children may want to enroll in a comprehensive plan that covers everything from pediatrician visits to dental screenings.

When shopping the health insurance marketplace, Alabama residents can find plans that are affordable and often subsidized under ACA provisions to reduce costs even further.

HealthMarkets’ licensed agents are available 24/7 to help you navigate the health insurance marketplace in Alabama and get the best coverage for your budget.

Call us at (800) 360-1402 today. 


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