Health Insurance Marketplace in Vermont

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If you’re shopping the health insurance marketplace in Vermont, you might be confused by the options available. Trying to choose the right plan for your needs at a price you can comfortably afford can be overwhelming. But HealthMarkets can help answer your questions.

Choosing a Policy From the Health Insurance Marketplace in Vermont

In 2018, nearly 28,000 Vermont residents were able to find affordable health insurance on Vermont Health Connect. Of those enrollees, 81 percent received tax subsidies that lowered their premiums. Almost one-half of enrollees (44 percent) also received subsidies to lower their out-of-pocket expenses. In 2019, 26 percent of uninsured Vermonters had access to health plans that cost $0 per month.

What to Look for When Buying a Plan from Vermont’s Healthcare Marketplace

Ask yourself these questions before committing to a plan on the health insurance marketplace in Vermont:

  • What are my healthcare needs? If you and your family members are healthy, a high-deductible plan with a low monthly plan could be right for you. But if you or someone in your family has chronic health issues, you might want to consider a more comprehensive plan.
  • How much can I afford to spend for a plan? If paying for a health insurance plan is a concern, see if you qualify for a premium-lowering subsidy.
  • Can I keep my doctor? Before buying, make sure your healthcare providers are included in the plan’s network.

Weigh all of your options before settling on a plan. HealthMarkets can help answer your questions. Give us a call today at (800) 360-1402.


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