Benefit Explanation: Copay is for office visit only, other services provided during the visit are subject to deductible and coinsurance. You may also be able to access care with lower cost shares using our online virtual doctor visits and medical chat with a doctor. These can be accessed via our Sydney application, website, or HealthKeepers enabled device. Doctor Visits in the Home are covered.
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 35.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Benefit Explanation: Specialists Visits, Mental Health and Substance Use Office Visits apply deductible/coinsurance. Copays do not apply to these services. You may also be able to access care with lower cost shares using our online virtual doctor visits and medical chat with a doctor. These can be accessed via our Sydney application, website, or HealthKeepers enabled device.
Prescription Drug Information
Preferred Brand Drugs
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 50.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Benefit Explanation: 30 day supply retail. The per-Member Cost Share for a covered prescription drug that contains insulin and is used to treat diabetes will not exceed a total of $50 per 30-day supply when obtained in-network.
Non Preferred Brand Drugs
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 50.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Benefit Explanation: 30 day supply retail. The per-Member Cost Share for a covered prescription drug that contains insulin and is used to treat diabetes will not exceed a total of $50 per 30-day supply when obtained in-network.
Generic Drugs
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 35.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Benefit Explanation: 30 day supply retail. The per-Member Cost Share for a covered prescription drug that contains insulin and is used to treat diabetes will not exceed a total of $50 per 30-day supply when obtained in-network.
Specialty Drugs
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 50.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Benefit Explanation: 30 day supply. The per-Member Cost Share for a covered prescription drug that contains insulin and is used to treat diabetes will not exceed a total of $50 per 30-day supply when obtained in-network.
Inpatient Coverage
Hospital Services
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 35.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Benefit Explanation: In-Network Tier 2 cost shares only apply if services are billed by hospitals or facilities that are considered Tier 2 providers. Services billed by other providers are at the Tier 1 level.
Inpatient Services
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 35.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Emergency and Urgent Care
Emergency Room
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 50.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Urgent Care Facility
CoPay: $60.00
CoInsurance: Not Applicable
Covered: Covered
Labor and Delivery Hospital Stay
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 35.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Benefit Explanation: This benefit is for the hospital stay. In-Network Tier 2 cost shares only apply if services are billed by hospitals or facilities that are considered Tier 2 providers. Services billed by other providers are at the Tier 1 level.
Pre and Postnatal Office Visit
CoPay: Not Applicable
CoInsurance: 35.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Covered: Covered
Routine Eye Exams For Children
CoPay: No Charge
CoInsurance: Not Applicable
Covered: Covered
Limit Quantity: 1
Limit Unit : Visit(s) per Benefit Period
Benefit Explanation: Includes complete eye exam with dilation, as needed to check all aspects of vision, including the structure of the eyes. Limited to 1 visit per year.
Major Dental Care
Routine Dental Checkups for Children
CoPay: No Charge after deductible
CoInsurance: Not Applicable
Covered: Covered
Limit Quantity: 2
Limit Unit : Visit(s) per Year
Benefit Explanation: Limited to 2 visits per year.