
UHC Value Gold

Plan Overview

Combined Medical and Drug Deductible
  • Individual: $1,400
  • Family: $2,800
  • Per Person: $1,400
Combined Medical and Drug Out of Pocket Maximum
  • Individual: $7,050
  • Family: $14,100
  • Per Person: $7,050

Office Visit

Primary Doctor
  • CoPay: $45 Copay after deductible
  • CoInsurance: Not Applicable
  • Covered: Covered
  • Benefit Explanation: Including doctor visits in the home and online visits. Virtual Primary Care limited to age 18 and older.
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: 20% Coinsurance after deductible
  • Covered: Covered

Prescription Drug Information

Preferred Brand Drugs
  • CoPay: $50.00
  • CoInsurance: Not Applicable
  • Covered: Covered
  • Limit Quantity: 30
  • Limit Unit : Days per Month
  • Benefit Explanation: 90-day supplies available at a Preferred Retail Pharmacy or Home Delivery. Covers outpatient self-administered prescription legend drugs from a participating network pharmacy. Quantity limits per prescription may apply. The cost-sharing payment for a covered prescription insulin drug is limited to a $50 maximum per 30- day supply.
Non Preferred Brand Drugs
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: 30.00%
  • Covered: Covered
  • Limit Quantity: 30
  • Limit Unit : Days per Month
  • Benefit Explanation: 90-day supplies available at a Preferred Retail Pharmacy or Home Delivery. Covers outpatient self-administered prescription legend drugs from a participating network pharmacy. Quantity limits per prescription may apply. The cost-sharing payment for a covered prescription insulin drug is limited to a $50 maximum per 30- day supply.
Generic Drugs
  • CoPay: $5.00
  • CoInsurance: Not Applicable
  • Covered: Covered
  • Limit Quantity: 30
  • Limit Unit : Days per Month
  • Benefit Explanation: See SBC for Non-Preferred Pharmacy Cost Share and (non-preferred) Generic Cost Share. 90-day supplies available at a Preferred Retail Pharmacy or Home Delivery. Covers outpatient self-administered prescription legend drugs from a participating network pharmacy. Quantity limits per prescription may apply. The cost-sharing payment for a covered prescription insulin drug is limited to a $50 maximum per 30- day supply.
Specialty Drugs
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: 40.00%
  • Covered: Covered
  • Limit Quantity: 30
  • Limit Unit : Days per Month
  • Benefit Explanation: Covers outpatient self-administered prescription legend drugs from a participating network pharmacy. Quantity limits per prescription may apply. The cost-sharing payment for a covered prescription insulin drug is limited to a $50 maximum per 30- day supply.

Inpatient Coverage

Hospital Services
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: 20% Coinsurance after deductible
  • Covered: Covered
  • Benefit Explanation: Benefits are limited to certain oral surgeries including: treatment of medically diagnosed cleft lip, cleft palate, or ectodermal dysplasia; maxillary or mandibular frenectomy when not related to a dental procedure; alveolectomy when related to tooth extraction; orthognathic surgery because of a medical condition or injury or for a physical abnormality that prevents normal function of the joint or bone and is Medically Necessary to attain functional capacity of the affected part; oral / surgical correction of accidental injuries; surgical services on the hard or soft tissue in the mouth when the main purpose is not to treat or help the teeth and their supporting structures; treatment of non-dental lesions, such as removal of tumors and biopsies; incision and drainage of infection of soft tissue not including odontogenic cysts or abscesses. Benefits for room, board, and nursing services include: a room with two or more beds; a private room when medically necessary for isolation and no isolation facilities are available; a room in an approved special care unit; meals, special diets; general nursing services; operating, childbirth, and treatment rooms and equipment; prescribed drugs; anesthesia, anesthesia supplies and services given by the hospital or other provider; medical and surgical dressings and supplies, casts, and splints; blood and blood products; diagnostic services. Includes coverage for general anesthesia and hospitalization services when determined by dentist and treating physician that such services are required to effectively and safely provide dental care for (i) children under the age of 5, (ii) covered persons who are severely disabled, or (iii) covered persons who have a medical condition that requires admission to a hospital or Outpatient surgery facility.
Inpatient Services
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: 20% Coinsurance after deductible
  • Covered: Covered
  • Benefit Explanation: Benefits are limited to certain oral surgeries including: treatment of medically diagnosed cleft lip, cleft palate, or ectodermal dysplasia; maxillary or mandibular frenectomy when not related to a dental procedure; alveolectomy when related to tooth extraction; orthognathic surgery because of a medical condition or injury or for a physical abnormality that prevents normal function of the joint or bone and is Medically Necessary to attain functional capacity of the affected part; oral / surgical correction of accidental injuries; surgical services on the hard or soft tissue in the mouth when the main purpose is not to treat or help the teeth and their supporting structures; treatment of non-dental lesions, such as removal of tumors and biopsies; incision and drainage of infection of soft tissue not including odontogenic cysts or abscesses. Includes medical care visits; intensive medical care when medically necessary; treatment for a health problem by a Doctor who is not your surgeon while you are in the Hospital for surgery; treatment by two or more Doctors during one Hospital stay when the nature or severity of your health problem calls for the skill of separate Doctors; a personal bedside exam by another Doctor when asked for by your Doctor; surgery and general anesthesia; professional charges to interpret diagnostic tests such as imaging, pathology reports, and cardiology. Surgeries and procedures to correct congenital abnormalities that cause functional impairment and congenital abnormalities in newborn children; other invasive procedures, such as angiogram, arteriogram, amniocentesis, tap or puncture of brain or spine; endoscopic exams, such as arthroscopy, bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, laparoscopy; treatment of fractures and dislocations; anesthesia and surgical support when medically necessary; medically necessary pre-operative and post-operative care. Medical benefits are limited to certain oral surgeries including: treatment of medically diagnosed cleft lip, cleft palate, or ectodermal dysplasia; maxillary or mandibular frenectomy when not related to a dental procedure; alveolectomy when related to tooth extraction; orthognathic surgery because of a medical condition or injury or for a physical abnormality that prevents normal function of the joint or bone and is medically necessary to attain functional capacity of the affected part; oral / surgical correction of accidental injuries; surgical services on the hard or soft tissue in the mouth when the main purpose is not to treat or help the teeth and their supporting structures; treatment of non-dental lesions, such as removal of tumors and biopsies; incision and drainage of infection of soft tissue not including odontogenic cysts or abscesses. Includes surgical treatment of injuries and illnesses of the eye.

Emergency and Urgent Care

Emergency Room
  • CoPay: No Charge after deductible
  • CoInsurance: 20% Coinsurance after deductible
  • Covered: Covered
Urgent Care Facility
  • CoPay: $75.00
  • CoInsurance: Not Applicable
  • Covered: Covered


Labor and Delivery Hospital Stay
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: 20% Coinsurance after deductible
  • Covered: Covered
Pre and Postnatal Office Visit
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: No Charge
  • Covered: Covered


Routine Eye Exams For Children
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: No Charge
  • Covered: Covered
  • Limit Quantity: 1
  • Limit Unit : Visit(s) per Year

Major Dental Care

Routine Dental Checkups for Children
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: No Charge
  • Covered: Covered
  • Limit Quantity: 1
  • Limit Unit : Visit(s) per 6 Months
Routine Dental Checkups for Adults
  • Covered: Not Covered
Basic Dental Care - Adult
  • Covered: Not Covered
Basic Dental Care - Child
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: 20.00% Coinsurance after deductible
  • Covered: Covered
  • Benefit Explanation: Benefit limitations may apply to individual services.
Major Dental Care - Adult
  • Covered: Not Covered
Major Dental Care - Child
  • CoPay: Not Applicable
  • CoInsurance: 20.00% Coinsurance after deductible
  • Covered: Covered
  • Benefit Explanation: Benefit limitations may apply to individual services.

Medical plan coverage offered by: UnitedHealthcare of Arizona, Inc.; Rocky Mountain Health Maintenance Organization, Incorporated in CO; UnitedHealthcare of Florida, Inc.; UnitedHealthcare of Georgia, Inc.; UnitedHealthcare of Illinois, Inc.; UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company in LA, TN and AL; Optimum Choice, Inc. in VA and MD; UnitedHealthcare Community Plan, Inc. in MI; UnitedHealthcare of North Carolina, Inc.; UnitedHealthcare of Oklahoma, Inc.; UnitedHealthcare of Texas, Inc.; and UnitedHealthcare of Oregon, Inc. in WA. Administrative Services provided by United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates.

Plan specifics and benefits may vary by coverage area and by plan category. Please review the plan details to learn more. This policy has exclusions, limitations, reduction of benefits, and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of the coverage, call or write your insurance agent or the company (whichever is applicable). By responding to this offer, you agree that a representative may contact you.

You are required to select a Primary Care Physician (PCP) within our network. Your PCP refers you to specialists when necessary. If you use a specialist without a referral or see a provider who is not in your network, you may have to pay the full cost of the benefits and services. Emergency services received by an out-of-network provider are covered.

Health Maintenance Organization, Inc. in Colorado and UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. in Tennessee. Administrative Services provided by United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates.

Plan specifics and benefits may vary by coverage area and by plan category. Please review the plan details to learn more. This policy has exclusions, limitations, reduction of benefits, and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of the coverage, call or write your insurance agent or the company (whichever is applicable). By responding to this offer, you agree that a representative may contact you.

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© 2024 HealthMarkets Insurance Agency. All rights reserved.

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.

Attention: This website is operated by HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Inc. and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace® website. HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Inc. is licensed as an insurance agency nationwide except in MA. Not all agents are licensed to sell all products. Service and product availability varies by state. Sales agents may be compensated based on a consumer’s enrollment in an insurance plan. No obligation to enroll. Agent cannot provide tax or legal advice. Contact your tax or legal professional to discuss details regarding your individual business circumstances. Our quoting tool is provided for your information only. All quotes are estimates and are not final until consumer is enrolled. Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information.

HealthMarkets Insurance Agency offers the opportunity to enroll in either QHPs or off-Marketplace coverage. Please visit HealthCare.gov for information on the benefits of enrolling in a QHP. Off-Marketplace coverage is not eligible for the cost savings offered for coverage through the Marketplaces.

This information is not a complete description of benefits. Call the Plan’s customer service phone number for more information.


© 2024 HealthMarkets Insurance Agency. All rights reserved.

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.

Attention: This website is operated by HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Inc. and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace® website. HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Inc. is licensed as an insurance agency nationwide except in MA. Not all agents are licensed to sell all products. Service and product availability varies by state. Sales agents may be compensated based on a consumer’s enrollment in an insurance plan. No obligation to enroll. Agent cannot provide tax or legal advice. Contact your tax or legal professional to discuss details regarding your individual business circumstances. Our quoting tool is provided for your information only. All quotes are estimates and are not final until consumer is enrolled. Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information.

HealthMarkets Insurance Agency offers the opportunity to enroll in either QHPs or off-Marketplace coverage. Please visit HealthCare.gov for information on the benefits of enrolling in a QHP. Off-Marketplace coverage is not eligible for the cost savings offered for coverage through the Marketplaces.

This information is not a complete description of benefits. Call the Plan’s customer service phone number for more information.


© 2024 HealthMarkets Insurance Agency. All rights reserved.

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.

Attention: This website is operated by HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Inc. and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace® website. HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, Inc. is licensed as an insurance agency nationwide except in MA. Not all agents are licensed to sell all products. Service and product availability varies by state. Sales agents may be compensated based on a consumer’s enrollment in an insurance plan. No obligation to enroll. Agent cannot provide tax or legal advice. Contact your tax or legal professional to discuss details regarding your individual business circumstances. Our quoting tool is provided for your information only. All quotes are estimates and are not final until consumer is enrolled. Medicare has neither reviewed nor endorsed this information.

HealthMarkets Insurance Agency offers the opportunity to enroll in either QHPs or off-Marketplace coverage. Please visit HealthCare.gov for information on the benefits of enrolling in a QHP. Off-Marketplace coverage is not eligible for the cost savings offered for coverage through the Marketplaces.

This information is not a complete description of benefits. Call the Plan’s customer service phone number for more information.
