You may have received a notice that your plan was not being renewed this upcoming year. First, don’t worry. Your current policy most likely can still be used through the end of the year, and you will have time to replace it before it expires. Even if your coverage is ending before the end of […]
If you’re enrolled in Medicaid, you may currently be benefitting from a COVID 19-era rule that has allowed millions more people than usual to enroll in Medicaid. (Medicaid is a federal program run by state governments that helps with health care costs for some people with limited income and resources.) This was because, during the […]
Want to renew the Affordable Care Act (ACA) insurance plan you had last year? It’s the easiest way to go. Right? If your plan provided you with the health insurance you needed for healthcare, doctor’s visits, medications, and other healthcare needs, automatic re-enrollment might make sense. Were the premiums and out-of-pocket expenses affordable? Did you […]
When you received your health insurance cancellation letter, it may have come as a surprise. Luckily, it’s not as bad as it might seem. You’ve got plenty of time to take action, replace your policy, and ensure you have health coverage. HealthMarkets can help explain: Why this happened and how it can affect your coverage […]