Compare Medicare Supplement plans and get quotes.

Things you should know about your Medigap plan.

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Medigap Plans by the Numbers (or Letters!)

Approximate portion of all Original Medicare beneficiaries who have a Medigap policy

Number of Americans enrolled in a Medicare Supplement plan

Growth in the number of people enrolled in Medicare Supplement plans since 2010

Increase in number of Medigap enrollees from 2016 to 2017

F, N, D, G are the most popular Medicare Supplement plans

Join the rising number of seniors with a Medicare Supplement plan. Between December 2015 and December 2016, enrollment grew from 12.3 million to 13.1 million.

Medicare Supplement Plans, also known as Medigap plans, cover many of your Medicare Part A and B out-of-pocket costs such as deductibles and coinsurance. Whether you prefer higher premiums or lower out-of-pocket costs, there’s a Medicap plan that could be right for you.

Moderate premiums, lower out-of-pocket costs

Medicare Supplement Plans A and B cover basic co-insurance and copayment costs for hospitalization, medical expenses, and hospice care. Medicare Supplement Plan B provides additional coverage for Part A deductibles.

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Medicare Supplement Plans C and Plan D cover the basic Medicare benefits, plus skilled nursing care, the Medicare Part A deductible and emergency care abroad. Plan C also covers the Medicare Part B deductible.

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Medicare Supplement Plan F covers the basic Medicare benefits, plus coverage for Medicare Part A and B deductibles, skilled nursing care, emergency care abroad and 100% of Part B excess charges—this is the difference between what a provider charges and the amount Medicare will pay up to Medicare’s limiting amount. A high-deductible option is available that can lower your premiums.

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Medicare Supplement Plan G covers basic Medicare benefits plus coverage for additional costs like Part A deductibles, skilled nursing care, Part B excess charges (charges above what Medicare pays) and emergency care abroad.

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Lower Premiums

Higher out-of-pocket costs, but with annual out-of-pocket limits.

Higher out-of-pocket costs, but with annual out-of-pocket limits.

Medicare Supplement Plans K and L cover a range of medical costs, including doctor’s services and hospital care. The plans pay a percentage of your costs, and then you are responsible for the remainder. Each Medicare Supplement Plan K and L has its own out-of-pocket maximum, which limits the amount you have to pay each year.

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Moderate out-of-pocket costs for office visits and ER copays.

Another lower-premium option offering the same basic benefits; however, Plan N includes an office copayment of up to $20 and an emergency room copayment of up to $50. Medicare Supplement Plan N also covers Medicare Part A deductibles, skilled nursing care and emergency care abroad.

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