This guide on term life insurance definition can help you learn about how it works and the many advantages of getting a term policy. Read on to get the basics on plan types, who term life insurance can benefit the most, and how to buy a policy. Term life insurance definition Term life insurance plans […]
Shopping for health insurance can be overwhelming. Whether it’s your first time or your annual review, knowing the basics can help you effectively compare plans and find coverage that suits your needs and budget. An easy way to start is by understanding the basics of health insurance costs. Premiums The premium is the amount you […]
You may be familiar with the concept of a health insurance [glossary]deductible[/glossary], but do you know what a deductible credit transfer is? If not, you’ve come to the right place. HealthMarkets can help you understand what a health insurance deductible credit transfer is, how it can affect your employees and your small business, and how […]
Shopping for a health insurance plan can be overwhelming, especially if you aren’t familiar with some of the more common health insurance terms. These seven definitions will help you gain a better understanding of basic health insurance terminology. Premium A premium is the amount you or your employer pays periodically to an insurance company for them to […]
If you’ve never had health insurance, you might not be familiar with the difference between a copayment and coinsurance. Understanding these two terms can help you better understand your out-of-pocket expenses for the health insurance plans you’re considering so you can choose a plan that is right for your needs. Copayment and coinsurance are both […]
The cost of supplemental health insurance for seniors depends on what you are looking for: supplemental health insurance plans designed for seniors or Medicare Supplement plans? Although they may seem similar at first glance, these plans are very different. Before we give you the cost of supplemental health insurance for seniors, let’s review the differences between these […]
Sorting through Medigap plans can be a challenge if you shop on your own. There are many choices available, but how do you know which one is right for your needs? Medicare Supplement Plan N can be a good choice for those looking for near-comprehensive coverage. Below, we discuss Medicare Supplement Plan N’s main features […]
Original Medicare (Parts A & B) covers many of the costs associated with your healthcare. However, that’ doesn’t mean it covers everything. That’s where Medigap can help. What Is Medigap? Medigap, also known as Medicare Supplemental Insurance, is sold by private companies to help pay for some of the costs that aren’t covered under Original […]