Find Affordable Medicare Dental Coverage in Massachusetts

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HealthMarkets can help you find Medicare dental coverage in Massachusetts. We're dedicated to all your health insurance needs, including dental health. We know that Medicare recipients need good oral care to stay healthy, and that supplemental dental insurance can make that easier. We also know it can also be confusing to look for a policy on your own.

Your Massachusetts Dental Coverage Options

If you have Medicare Parts A & B, you’ll need to find dental insurance because it is not included with your coverage. During the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), you can switch to a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan that includes dental insurance. Or you can purchase a dental policy from a private insurance company at any time.

There is also a low-cost option called a dental discount plan. It’s not insurance, but it can help you save up to 60 percent off your dental bill, depending on the work that was performed.

HealthMarkets can help you navigate through your senior dental choices in Massachusetts at no cost to you.

Find Medicare Dental Coverage in Massachusetts

We’ve created an innovative way to help you find dental insurance. Our no-cost service matches your budget and requirements to policies from nationally-recognized insurance companies. The licensed insurance agents at HealthMarkets will compare your needs with available Medicare dental coverage in Massachusetts so that you can choose the right policy.

Call today at (800) 439-6916 to get started.


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